Home > Artworks > Maricel Alvarado Orozco

Photo of Maricel Alvarado Orozco Costa Rica

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Phone (506) 83 90 29 49 (506) 22 20 18 55 Tel Fax (506): 22 23 84 00

Apartado 11270-1000

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See everything we offer you!
5.51 x 11.02 in
7.09 x 18.90 in
11.02 x 12.99 in
13.39 x 20.08 in

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Phone (506) 83 90 29 49 (506) 22 20 18 55 Tel Fax (506): 22 23 84 00

Apartado 11270-1000 San José, Costa Rica

E-mail: maricel@maricelalvarado.com \"> Maricelalvarado@gmail.com


Member of:

Member Glass Art Society, Seattle, Washington. USA.

ACAV member. Costa Rican Association of Visual Artists. San Jose, Costa Rica.

Member of Association Internationale des Arts Plastiques (IAA)

International Association of Arts (IAA)

International Association of Art (IAA)

Some Art Studies
2010 - 2011-Workshop in Art History in Latin America with Flor Gallardo. Casa Mexico, San José, Costa Rica.
2010-Venetian Glass Painting Techniques in with Lucia Santini. The Corning Museum of Glass, New York. USA.
2010 - Traditional Printmaking Techniques on Glass with Jody Danner Walker. The Corning Museum of Glass, New York. USA.

2009-Glass Sculpture Workshop Cast with Czech artists Eva Vlásaková and Thomas Malek. Costa Rica.

2008 - Fusing Techniques Workshop. VITROCOLOR Academy, Costa Rica.

2007 - Workshop \"But this is art? given by Flor Gallardo. Costa Rica.

2005 to 2007 Workshop Fused glass. Art Glass Studio. Costa Rica

2006-Painting Workshop with the Light Ted Sawyer. Reaserch and Director of Education, Bullesye Glass, Art Glass Studio. Costa Rica

1990-2004-Workshop on Human Figure Drawing, Study of Color and Composition Eduardo Barracks. Costa Rica

1999-Free Workshop Findings of Art of the last years of S XX. Carpio Jacob Gallery. Costa Rica

1999 - Free Studio Art and Art Appreciation in recent years Costa Rican S. XX. Jacob Gallery Carpio. Costa Rica

1989-Workshop on Human Figure Drawing, Jean Christophe Bourg, Costa Rican Art Museum. San José, Costa Rica

1988-Drawing Workshop, Sonia Romero. Gallery 825. Costa Rica

Some Exhibitions For Curatorship

2011- Selected in “Trascendiendo los Límites de la Acuarela”.Watercolor painted on glass and put in in a chair. Galería Nacional. San José. Costa Rica.

2011- Museo de Arte Latinoamericano LAKMA, Holanda. Glass sculpture.

2011-ETNIA. El Arte mueve al Mundo. Centre Culturel de Recontre Abbaye de Neumünster, Luxemburgo. Glass sculpture.

2011-Selected in Conjunciones Biennal. II Edition. Museo de Arte Costarricense. San José, Costa Rica. “Enlace”.Glass Fusing.

2011_Objetos de arte, objetos con Luz. II Edition of Ñuminoc Art. Galería Nacional, San José, Costa Rica. Obra “Chamán” Glass fusing.

2011- Argentina 800°, Mar del Plata Argentina. Glass Fusing.

2010 - Selected for \"Watercolour on the Edge\" National Gallery, Children\'s Museum, San José, Costa Rica.

2010-Selected in the \"Fifth Biennial Latin Views\" 2010, CT, USA

2010-Selected for \"Mini Paper Amateras Annual Art Exhibition.\" Sofia, Bulgaria.

2008-2009-Finalist 2 Biennial of Art in Glass Monterrey N: L:, Mexico. \"Woman with Red Flower.\"

2004 - \"Art Made by Women\" International Day of Women. Fidel Tristan Jade Museum. National Insurance Institute. . San José, Costa Rica

1995 - \"Four Woman and Their Art\" Simic-La Jolla, San Diego, California. USA

1995 - \"Women and Art.\" Fidel Tristan Jade Museum. Costa Rica

1994 - Selected IV Drawing Contest Security Fund Social. Rafael Angel Calderón Guardia Museum. Costa Rica

Some Group shows

2010 - \"Urban Memory.\" ACAV. Amon Cultural House. Tecnológico de Costa Rica, San Jose headquarters.

2010 - \"Forest Dreams\" Art Auction to benefit the Foundation GIAMALA. Costa Rica.

2010 - Parasol intervened. Concasida Congress. Costa Rica.

\"> 2010 -\" Summer Magic. \"Valanti Gallery, Los Sueños, Herradura, Puntarenas. Costa Rica.

2009 - \" Glass and Virtues. \" Klaus Steinmetz Gallery Contemporary. Glass sculptures. Costa Rica.
2008 - \"Month of Sculpture III\" National Gallery, Museum of Children, Costa Rica. Wood assemblage sculpture, glass, iron, screws.

2006 - Participant in \"His House in vivo in Architect Juan Robles space. Mobile in fused glass and iron. Costa Rica.

0in 0in 0pt \"> Some Solo

2011- Galería Nacional, Centro Costarricense de Ciencia y Cultura, Museo de los Niños. Vitrofusión

1989 \"Costa Rica Country Club. Acrylics. . San José, Costa Rica

1987-Hotel Corobicí. Watercolors. Costa Rica

1986-Hotel Cariari. Watercolors. Costa Rica

1994 - Fidel Tristan Jade Museum. Costa Rica

2009 - National Gallery, Museum of Children. Vitrofusión


Permanent collection of the Museum of Glass, Monterrey NL. Mexico. \"Work in fused glass \"Woman with Red Flower\"

Publications and Interviews

2011-“PintandPainting with glass ”Presented by Lucrecia Alfaro- Estilos y Casas Magazine. 69 Edition. San José, Costa Rica.

2010 - Catalogue \"The Actors in American Art 1. Media Art Foundation.

2010 - Feature Turns, Channel 6, San Jose, Costa Rica.

class = \"MsoNormal\" style = \"margin: 0in 0in 0pt\"> 2009 - Newspaper \"La Prensa Libre\" Supplement fan. \"National Gallery Moves between Transparencies Exhibition of watercolors and glass. Journalist Fabio Mena Cordero.

2009 - Article in \"News\" Channel 11, Journalist Fiorella Alvarado B., San Jose Costa Rica.

2008 - Book of the Second Biennial of Art Glass, Glass Museum, Monterrey NL. Mexico.

2008-page Museum of Glass on the Internet, Second Biennial of Art in glass. Finalists in the category of Contemporary Art

0in 0in 0pt \"> 2000 -\" Two worlds, one expression. \"Presented by Lucrecia Alfaro-Styles and Home Magazine. Year 4 2 . San José, Costa Rica

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